In order to get rid of bad breath, you must first get rid of the bad breath bacteria. To do this the first thing you must do is expose the bacteria to oxygen. Its recommended you buy a tongue scraper,but your toothbrush will the job for now.
Brush your teeth before you scrape your tongue. Make sure you also brush behind your teeth to reduce the spread of bacteria from your teeth to your tongue.
Grab the tongue scraper on both sides for an arched scraper or by the handle for a rake scraper. Reach as far back as possible in your mouth and scrape from back to front with firm pressure.
Your goal is to get rid of the plaque that allows the bacteria to thrive.
Wash your mouth out with a bacteria-killing mouthwash and you should find that your breath is ready for that date you have in an hour
This will not permanently get rid of your bad breath,but if you do it consistently it will save you alot of embarrassment
Cheers and happy face eating,
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