What is it?
Oral thrush is a very common infection in infants that causes irritation in and around the baby's mouth. It is caused by the overgrowth of the yeast candida albicans.Most people naturally have candida in their mouths and digestive tracts. The amount of candida in a person's body is controlled by a healthy immune system and some "good" bacteria. If the immune system is weakened (due to an illness or medicines like chemotherapy), the candida in a person's digestive tract can overgrow and lead to an infection. The same can happen to infants whose immune systems are not yet fully developed.
What does it look like?
A person with oral thrush might develop cracked skin in the corners of their mouth, as well as whitish patches on the lips, tongue, or inside the cheeks that look similar to cottage cheese.How do I treat it?
There are many different natural treatments they have been proven to offer relief, but as with all natural cures, nothing is 100% and it is still highly advised you see a doctor. One oral thrush home remedy that can provide relief is the use of a saltwater rinse. Three times a day rinse 1/2-teaspoon salt in a cup of water in the mouth after eating.
Antiseptic mouthwash also works well as another bacteria killing remedy for oral thrush. Swab patches of thrush in the mouth with an antiseptic mouthwash.
Garlic has anti-bacterial properties, while Vitamin C and Vitamin E can be used to boost the immune system. Combined remedies of eating raw garlic and taking vitamin supplements can help fight off an oral thrush infection. Garlic can be taken in supplement form if necessary.
Important Note
Be sure to boil or disinfect everything that touches the mouth, such as eating utensils. This will kill bacteria and help prevent spreading thrush to other members of the household.Again thrush can become very serious, so if you feel overwhelmed It is highly advisable to go see a doctor.
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