Sunday, September 12, 2010

Oral thrush:What it is, and how to eliminate it

What is it?
Oral thrush is a very common infection in infants that causes irritation in and around the baby's mouth. It is caused by the overgrowth of the yeast candida albicans.
Most people naturally have candida in their mouths and digestive tracts.   The amount of candida in a person's body is controlled by a healthy immune system and some "good" bacteria. If the immune system is weakened (due to an illness or medicines like chemotherapy), the candida in a person's digestive tract can overgrow and lead to an infection. The same can happen to infants whose immune systems are not yet fully developed.
What does it look like?
A person with oral thrush might develop cracked skin in the corners of their mouth, as well as whitish patches on the lips, tongue, or inside the cheeks that look similar to cottage cheese.

How do I treat it?
There are many different natural treatments they have been proven to offer relief, but as with all natural cures, nothing is 100% and it is still highly advised you see a doctor.
    One oral thrush home remedy that can provide relief is the use of a saltwater rinse. Three times a day rinse 1/2-teaspoon salt in a cup of water in the mouth after eating.
Antiseptic mouthwash also works well as another bacteria killing remedy for oral thrush. Swab patches of thrush in the mouth with an antiseptic mouthwash.
  Garlic has anti-bacterial properties, while Vitamin C and Vitamin E can be used to boost the immune system. Combined remedies of eating raw garlic and taking vitamin supplements can help fight off an oral thrush infection. Garlic can be taken in supplement form if necessary.

Important Note
 Be sure to boil or disinfect everything that touches the mouth, such as eating utensils. This will kill bacteria and help prevent spreading thrush to other members of the household.
 Again thrush can become very serious, so if you feel overwhelmed It is highly advisable to go see a doctor.

lifestyle guide to whiter teeth

Did you ever wonder whether there was any other way to whiten your teeth, other than blowing hundreds at your local dentist? Don't worry many of us have at some point or another. The important thing is that there are a lot of alternatives for brighter smiles other than the big bad bleaching agent. There are dozens of ways you can make your teeth whiter, in the comfort of your own home. A few ways include:

Watching Your Diet
  Watch what you eat and drink. There are so many drinks high in caffeine that cause stains on your teeth. These are beverages such as coffee, tea, soda, and wine. You should definitely get rid of soda for your own good. There is no benefit from drinking soda other than feeling better temporarily .This sugar water destroys your teeth and makes them weaker. Drink water instead and if you feel like water is boring, add some lime or lemon to it. This will allow you clear your stains from your enamel as well.

Brushing and Flossing Regularly
        This is very important. It is crucial that you take proper care of your teeth. Brush them after every meal, or at least twice a day. Make sure to floss often . Flossing is essential because it allows you to remove debris lodged between your teeth that cause gum disease,cavities,and a whole plethora of other problems.

Bad Habits Be Gone
       Your habits, good, or bad directly affect your dental health. An extremely bad habit for some, is smoking. A large majority of smokers have yellow teeth,which is not attractive.
. If you want to have a smile like sunshine without the horrid yellow color, just get rid of this bad habit and you will see a world of difference.You'll look better, and your self confidence will skyrocket!

Bad breath in depth part 2: How to get rid of your bad breath

In part one I explained bad breath in detail,its cause,and where that cause is really located. In part two I will discuss ways to get rid of  your bad breath.
In order to get rid of bad breath, you must first get rid of the bad breath bacteria. To do this the first thing you must do is expose the bacteria to oxygen. Its recommended you buy a tongue scraper,but your toothbrush will the job for now.
        Brush your teeth before you scrape your tongue.  Make sure you also brush behind your teeth to reduce the spread of bacteria from your teeth to your tongue.

Grab the tongue scraper on both sides for an arched scraper or by the handle for a rake scraper. Reach as far back as possible in your mouth and scrape from back to front with firm pressure.
Your goal is to get rid of the plaque that allows the bacteria to thrive.

Rinse the tongue scraper between each scrape. Make sure you wash off all the bacteria and saliva that's collected on the scraper. You should scrape your tongue at least two to three times per cleaning.
  Wash your mouth out with a bacteria-killing mouthwash and you should find that your breath is ready for that date you have in an hour
      This will not permanently get rid of your bad breath,but if you do it consistently it will save you alot of embarrassment 

              Cheers and happy face eating, 

Bad breath in depth part 1: What it is, and what causes it.

Halitosis, or as it's more commonly known bad breath, is one of the single most dreaded problems plaguing men and women today.
We've all had that horrific moment on a date where everything was going wonderfully and you lean in for that first kiss to cement the relationship you were hoping to form.  Then suddenly your date pulls away with a disgusted look on their face yikes!
Bad breath is one of highest causes of  low self esteem and with good reason. It can wreak havoc on your social life on a day to day basis.

Bad breath has numerous causes ranging from genetics to stomach problems,but the main cause of bad breath is an anaerobic bacteria that lives in your mouth. Anaerobic literally means  "without air, or oxygen".
This bacteria thrives in places with low to no oxygen, such as your tongue and especially the back of  your throat. Here they consume food and excrete waste...yes they poop in your mouth. Sounds delightful doesn't it? The waste products produced by some oral bacteria are sulfur compounds, which is what causes your bad breath.These bacteria create a wide range of different but equally horrendous smells such as:
  • Cadaverine-the smell of dead bodies. 
  • Putrescine -the smell of rotting meat.
  • Skatole -the smell of  poop.
  • Isovaleric Acid - the smell of sweaty feet.
Amazingly enough everybody has these foul smelling compounds in their mouths to some degree. Fortunately, at low levels these compounds aren't noticeable,but when these levels increase, we have a serious problem. At normal levels we have a perfect balance of good bacteria and bad bacteria. When the bad bacteria overtake the good, your bad breath forms. One of the main ways this happens is through plaque accumulation in your mouth. 

Plaque, is a sticky colorless deposit of bacteria that is constantly forming on the tooth surface. Saliva, food, and fluids combine to produce these deposits that collect where the teeth and gums meet.
    Plaque creates an "oxygen free" environment that is a goldmine for the bacteria. This means that the more plaque that accumulates the more the bacteria will grow.

Whenever we eat anything,the bacteria feed off of it as well. The waste product is produced as they digest proteins.
That means foods such as meats,and fish are like an all you can eat buffet for the bacteria. 
       While cutting your consumption of these foods will help some,even if you eliminated them from your diet the bacteria would still consume the dead skin cells,and proteins found in your saliva.    Also for those with poor dental hygiene, they would consume the last meal you left in your mouth.  Even So, it would still benefit you to limit your consumption of high protein foods such as:  
Meat, fish and seafood, eggs, and dairy foods (milk, cheeses, and yogurt) cereal grains,nuts,peas, beans, and lastly cakes and pie
The bacteria live in two primary places, the surface of  your tongue,and the back of your tongue.
If you've ever looked in the mirror, and noticed a white coating on your tongue, that gets whiter the further back you go, you're looking at plaque where the bad breath bacteria are eating, and breeding at a rapid pace.
This is the primary palce where you'll tackle your bad breath head on.