Wednesday, September 15, 2010

WHA?! More reasons for bad breath?!?!

Ha ha I already have people enjoying my blog awesome,but a few people said that while my articles about the causes of bad breath were good. They could be a bit more extensive,seeing as I only listed a few causes. I love constructive criticism, so of course I went right to work on a new article.

First off food. Whenever you eat anythin, particles remain in you mouth causeing an odor to form in your mouth. Think onion, and garlic breath yuck!

After you have digested these foods, they go into through your bloodstream. From there they head  to your lungs and come out with your breath when you open your mouth.  It's possible to have an onion or garlic smell for at least three days.

Ok here's a big one Periodontal disease. Periodontal disease is most often caused by poor dental hygiene, and is common among bad breath sufferes.  Food will remain in your mouth if you don't practice proper dental hygiene.  You might have to brush and floss several times a day, Especially after every meal,but if all you can manage is twice a day that's still better than nothing.  If the food particles remain in your mouth, the amount of bacteria in your mouth will increase by a lot.

You most likely have a lot of  plaque on your teeth. The plaque will begin to harden, and cause your  gums serious problems.  There's a huge possibility you could get gingivitis and/or tooth decay.  Pockets form between your teeth and gums, where the plaque is located. These pockets are filled to the brim with bacteria, that are literally destroying your mouth. Because of their location it's extremely difficult to get rid of the bacteria there.

Dry mouth - The inside of your mouth should always be moist with saliva, which is used to clean your mouth.  If you don't have any saliva circulating inside your mouth, dead cells will gather on your tongue nasty!  They can also gather on your cheeks and gums. This causes  dry mouth.

Once the dead cells have accumulated, they will start to break down, causing a foul odor inside of the mouth.  This usually occurs while the  person is sleeping.  Your much more prone to get dry mouth, if your the type that sleeps with your mouth open. When you wake up in the morning you might be greeted by  "morning breath." Which dry mouth is know to cause.

 Diseases - Certain diseases can cause foul odors as you open your mouth. A prime example would be the fishy odor that sometimes results from chronic liver ailments.  Also, some stomach ailments have been known to cause chronic bad breath.

Nose and throat infections - A person can also have bad breath caused by allergies.  Sinus infections cause a nasal discharge.  It goes from the back of the throat and trickles downward.  This can cause an extremely foul odor.  You can also have bad breath if you have any upper respiratory ailments that cause you to cough up mucus.

Taking dieting too far - If your currently undergoing a special diet, or fasting to lose weight, you may have noticed your breath has acquired a fruity smell to it.  normally this happens due to ketoacidosis, which is the break down of chemicals while fasting.

Alcohol - Drinking alcohol can cause health issues with your digestive system.  It may  also cause dry mouth, which can lead to bad breath,morning breath,etc.

Tobacco - This one is very known,If you smoke cigarettes, it causes your mouth to be dry.  Smoking causes an unpleasant odor after you have puffed on a cigarette.  If you are a smoker, there is a greater chance for you to get periodontal disease, which would definitely not do you any favors in the breath department.

Diary - If you discover you have an intolerance for diary products, then it's best to  to get rid of them, and look for alternatives.  You can, and most likely will develop bad breath if you consume dairy products that you stomach can't digest.

Stress - Ah good ol stress, the one  cause you'd never think about.  Who would think that your mental state could cause bad breath? But stress is a very serious issue. When you're stressed out, your digestive system is directly affected, which often triggers bad breath. The reason this one is serious, is due to the fact that not many realize stress plays a part in their breath. you might get bad breath and assume something is seriously wrong with you. You might also try hundreds of different methods and products to get rid of your bad breath,and when none of them help,you become more stressed,causing a never ending cycle of bad breath,stress,seeking help,not working,more stress,more bad breath.

Hopefully this was extensive enough to cover the vast majority of bad breath sufferers.
I can only think of one more problem that people might have, and since it will take an article by itself to explain, I'll make sure its the next thing I post about. 



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